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Dear New Winos:

I am not a songwriter, neither the son of a songwriter, but the Lord gave me a “New Winos Drinking Song Number One”. You can sing it to the tune of “Tis the Gift to be Simple” or “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder”.

See if it makes you as drunk as it makes me!
It goes like this:
If you feel too serious and kind of blue,
I’ve got a suggestion, just the thing for you!
It’s a little unconventional, but so much fun,
That you won’t even mind when people think you’re dumb!

Just come to the party God is throwing right now,
We can all lighten up and show the pagans how
Christians have more fun and keep everyone guessing,
Since the Holy Ghost sent us the Toronto blessing!

I used to think life was serious stuff;
I didn’t dare cry, so I acted kind of tough
‘Til the Spirit of God put laughter in my soul,
Now the Holy Ghost’s got me, and I’m out of control!


Now I’m just a party animal grazing at God’s trough,
I’m a Jesus junkie, and I can’t get enough!
I’m an alcoholic for that great New Wine,
‘Cause the Holy Ghost is pouring, and I’m drinking all the time!

Now I laugh like an idiot and bark like a dog,
If I don’t sober up, I’ll likely hop like a frog!
And I’ll crow like a rooster ’til the break of day,
‘Cause the Holy Ghost is moving, and I can’t stay away!

Now I roar like a lioness who’s on the prowl,
I laugh and I shake, maybe hoot like an owl!
Since God’s holy river started bubbling up in me,
It spills outside, and it’s setting me free!

So, I’ll crunch and I’ll dip and I’ll dance round and round,
‘Cause the pew was fine, but it’s more fun on the ground!
So I’ll jump like a pogo stick, then fall on the floor,
‘Cause the Holy Ghost is moving, and I just want MORE!

Love, Kathryn Riss

Dear New Winos:

Re: the “New Winos Drinking Song Number One”:

The Lord gave me a better tune for it. It’s a variation on “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder.” The “Jesus Junkie” verse turns out to be the chorus, so just sing it in between the other verses. It follows the chorus tune of “When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder”. The third line repeats the first line. The fourth line repeats the beginning of the second line, then bounces down. Fill in the long notes (“ROLL, YONDER,” etc.) with dotted eighths and sixteenths to fit in the words. The verses sound like the verses for “When the Roll”, except that instead of holding out the last note (“FAIR, THERE,” etc.), you continue the bouncy rhythm and do a little turn to fit in the words. It’s easy! See if you can figure it out — I don’t think I can do music notation on the computer very well. I play it in the key of C, because that’s the easiest key to figure out on the piano if you don’t know how to play the piano, which I don’t. As I said, I am not a songwriter, neither the son of a songwriter!

Somebody asked me for permission to “use it.” I told the Lord if He ever gave me any music, I would give it away. So, the rules I just made up for “using it” are:

1. Everybody sing it as much as you want and get as drunk as you can! Just thinking about it gives me holy laughter. I taught the Jesus Junkie verse (it was all I could get out from laughing so hard) to our little prayer group last night, and they all got pretty sloshed, for Presbyterians. Especially since the guy who was supposed to bring his guitar came late, without it, so the only other music we sang all evening was “Happy Birthday to You.” A capella.

2. Pass it on to as many other New Winos as you want.

3. Post any new verses you make up to the New Wine List, so we can all enjoy them.

4. Give God ALL the glory, and DON’T MERCHANDISE IT. Just give it away! Don’t put your name on it, copyright it, make a jillion tapes and sell it, or otherwise use it to try to become a big shot. Let God be the big shot; we’ll all stay little shots and have more fun! (It’s a proven fact that big shots have more headaches.)

I think any other Drinking Songs the Lord gives us should be handled the same way. Okay?

Kathryn Riss

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